A Breakfast of Grace

A Breakfast of Grace
Photo by Mario Mesaglio on Unsplash

A breakfast of grace,
Oh Lord, let me taste
And see you’re good.

A breakfast of grace,
Oh Lord, meet me here,
Let me know you’re near.

A breakfast of grace,
The first thing I eat,
You’re the one I meet.

A breakfast of grace,
Lord, feed me forgiveness
With salvation You bless.

A breakfast of grace,
All I need to start,
Please strengthen my heart.

A breakfast of grace,
My failures make me ache
But I stand for Your sake.

A breakfast of grace,
Your tender call sounds
so I soft lay it all down.

A breakfast of grace,
I know I’m beloved
Lord, let me feel loved.

Oh today, Lord, 
Just give me a breakfast of grace.

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As always thank you for reading.

Love, Rachel