Bottled up brilliance

Bottled up brilliance
Photo by Harold Wainwright / Unsplash

If I could bottle up the brilliance
Of this stunning fall day
Dear friend
I would.

You’d crack open the top
And smell deep the draught
Of sunshine and chill
Of the color of still

The breeze would caress
Your face and your soul
The sun would soften
The sore aching full.

The clip of your feet
On cracked pavement street
Would ground
and surround you

In memories of love.

It is around corners of creation
In soft placed brilliance
We remember His care
And we hold fast His word.

The sunshine his fingers,
The clouds his very breath
These trees are his painting
Swathed wide for you and me.

The sucked in shock of air
His joy, his life,
his care-crafted wonder.

If I could bottle up the brilliance
And send it packed careful your way
And let you drink deep
This autumnal hope

The season’s last
“Hold on."

There’s bright promise of spring
Once winter’s winds have ceased.

Dear friend,
I would.