Come all ye faithful

Dear Momma,
Do you know that Christmas is for you too? As you plan the things and string the lights and wipe the noses and kiss the owies? Do you know that He came for you too?
As you arrange their advent activities — the ones that remind them daily that He came for them — that the babe that is the hope of the nations is their hope too. As you bear this precious message to precious hearts day after day, do you bear the weighty wonder that He’s your hope too?
As you bake the endless treats and keep your cool as they try to “help,” as you manage the guest lists and menus and juggle the expectations around all the holiday meals (that these little people will barely taste because they’re so excited and busy) — does the tender truth fill your soul that He came and was broken to be your bread of life too?
As you work tirelessly to pack the gifts and sing the songs and teach the memory verses and arrange the poinsettias for the Christmas program. The program that’s not just for your children but all the others — and their parents that only come once a year. The program that you pray will lift their eyes and hearts from the commercialization around them up, up to heaven. That the true song of the herald angels will echo in their souls - and turn their hearts to Christ.
Can I gently remind you that He came for you to have peace on earth? That He has good will to you?
As you wrap the lovely gifts that you carefully picked out for your kids (or grandkids), generosity overflowing as all your planning and saving and preparing climaxes on this blessed Christmas day, do you know that the generosity of this season doesn’t just come from you — it is for you too? That He was wrapped in swaddling cloths for you too?
Momma, did you know that as you make Christmas beautiful and bright for your little ones and the needy ones around you - that He knows? He knows every backache and lonely-shower-sigh. He knows all the tight budgets and schedules and voices. He knows you know. You know why you do this every year - you long for the world to see the beauty of Him. And He knows it's stressful and exhausting.
And He just has one thing to say: Come. Christmas is for the faithful ones too. It’s for you too. He was laid in a manger for you to lie down and rest. He was sent to be with you too, Momma. Abundance, light, joy — no matter how the season is going, or how you think you’re doing — is for you too.
He came, grew up, lived, called, then walked up that lonely hill and died — for you. The hope of all the nations is the hope of every mom. Not just to pass along to her kids like that cookie she didn’t get to enjoy, but for her. For you.
So yes, wrap the gifts and love your littles and serve the neighbors.
But come, Momma. Come and sit at His feet.
When the twinkle of the Christmas lights soft catches you unaware — pause and drink it in.
When your son’s joy shudders through his whole body — and your love for him shudders through your whole soul — know He loves you like that.
When “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” reaches into your heart and surprises you with a swelling ache for Him to meet and calm all “the hopes and fears of all the years”; and you cry “Lord, how long?” — know that He aches for His bride too. He aches for you.
Know He came for you. Know that the most “needful” thing about this season is the filling of your own soul with the wonder of who He is to you. That’s what will overflow…but you end up with more than you gave because He filled you first.
Know that as you drag your weary feet up the stairs at 11:55PM on December 24, that He’s there, carrying you.
Come. Rest. Sit at His feet and let Him tender wash yours.
“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)
“[She] has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42)