Go Gently

Go Gently
Photo by Kenny Krosky on Unsplash

Go gently, my friend,
Not just to their room
In the dead of night.

Go gently, my friend,
Not just when you daily attend
To their every little need.

Go gently, my friend,
When your hard voice
Sneaks into their tone.

Go gently, my friend,
When you see your sin
Played out by little hands.

Go gently, my friend,
When today is rehearsed
While you lie in your bed.

Go gently, my friend,
To your very own soul
When you measure your worth.

Go gently, my friend,
When you decide where you stack
In His great plan.

Go gently, my friend,
When you remember what you were
And the things you wish you hadn’t.

Go gently, when you judge
The one for whom
He died.

Go gently, my friend,
For He went gently
For you.

“I am gentle and lowly of heart” (Matthew 11:29).
“He gently leads those that are with young.” (Isaiah 40:11).

This is part of an ongoing series called Mothering Mondays for Living Loved Today. To access the rest of this series, request to join the Living Loved Today Community group on Facebook.

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