God's van and summer

God's van and summer
Photo by Wout Vanacker on Unsplash

I've been away from my keyboard for a while. Roadtripping, volunteering, vacationing, savoring... then all the laundrying, cleaning and catch-up parenting that comes along. But in the midst of it, we bought a new van. It's new to us, but still older than my oldest child. But it is pure luxury for us. Automatic doors, GPS, a backup camera? Luxury. I don't even have a picture of it but here is a little poem I wrote - the moment was when all my kids were in the van before me and I walked out on my parent's driveway towards the pool of buttery light around it.

My kids say its magic
I say it's Him.

They love the doors
That open all alone

I love the light
That pours on dark drive

Full of kids
And future
And healing.

For my momma soul.

To me,
It’s God’s van
We’ll drive away to Him
Full of good things.