I've got time

I’ve got time.
I’m a mom. I wipe noses and soothe owies and break up fights. I lose my cool and lack my rest and never show up at my best. Who has time for beauty?
I’m a mom. I feel the burden of tomorrow and wait impatiently in the van. School’s calling, work’s been bawling. Who has time for beauty?
I’m a mom. I work while others rest and I stress while others work. I long for words like “wild” and “worthy” and “known.” But I juggle “late” and “missed” and “disrespect.” Who has time for beauty?
I am a mom. I do.
I do because I’m more than “mom.” I’m cherished, loved, and held. I am worthy because He has made me so. I crave and gorge on grace. I don’t measure up, but I never needed to. I love so I serve. Not serve so that I’m loved.
I make time for beauty. On my walls and on my table. In my routine and in my soul. And of all the things wild and tender, worthy and wonderful, He is their source. And He, ultimately, is the beauty I pursue.
In morning hush or in evening sigh, or mid-day walk or weekly Sunday morning – remembering Him. We gather long and grow. I listen to the wonder in many a prayerful heart. And I think that they too — the lawyers and counselors and doctors and moms and dads and daughters and sons around me — feel they have no time but take it anyway. For Him.
I am a mom. And He is my source. I know I’m worthy and known by Him. We all are. And it’s beautiful.