Just one day

Dear sister, praying, waiting, for days, months, years.
Did you know that God is faithful even when you don’t believe Him? Even when the press of grief or trial or suffering is so heavy you have long since given up hope? When all you can hear is the condemnation — not only from Satan or the world or the church — but from yourself? You look back and find that in the heat of it all, you know you gave up. You just went on autopilot and stopped believing that you’d see the goodness of God. Sometimes life does that, doesn't it? Long periods of silence when our needs are so dire.
Did you know that He is faithful even when you’re not?
Did you know that there is nothing that can separate you from His love? Not rebellion or divorce or death or unemployment or poverty or need or numb running away? That even when you give up for years — He’s faithful? Working it all for your good? So that one day you look back and praise — not your faith — but Him? Him and His faithfulness.
Because His faithfulness is eternal. Forever. Unchanging. And our faith? Our faithfulness? It’s daily. That’s all we have. He will deal with tomorrow and next year and eternity. We have today. And maybe you gave up your hope a long time ago. Maybe you question Him so deeply it’s hard for you to even admit it to yourself. Those searing “whys” cling long, don’t they?
That’s ok. Because His mercy for you is new every morning. And they that wait on Him shall renew their strength. Why would it need to be renewed if it didn’t run out? Let yourself be weary today. Let Him have it all. And know that even when you aren’t feeling faithful, He is. He always is.
So today, no matter what has passed — you can be full of faith. It’s okay to pick up hope for one day at a time. And tomorrow will be there when you get to it.
What does faithfulness look like today? A load of laundry? A hug for your son? Kindness to your employees? Not letting the sharp words out to your husband? Setting it all down and letting Him be in control? Maybe it’s a hot meal or a slow walk. Maybe it’s the final touches on a project you’ve hated. Maybe it’s patiently bearing the burden of that loved one being gone for one more day.
Maybe, maybe, it’s just breathing. He’ll renew your strength. Because nothing speaks trust like choosing rest.
Our faithfulness is only daily. Thank God, that’s all it needs to be.