Lord plant me here

Lord, plant me here,
Where hope star of Bethlehem
Soaks the dark all year round.
Lord, plant me here,
In the light of Your courts
In love of a different sort.
Lord, plant me here,
Let me live all my days
Fully know your ways.
Lord, plant me here,
Beside the still waters
Filled with what matters.
Lord, plant me here,
With all that I need,
With gratitude a seed.
Lord, plant me here,
Sown in soils of lack,
To harvest hundredfold back.
Lord, plant me here,
Where even sparrows are home,
Where I never need roam.
Lord, plant me here,
And teach me to love
All you’ve given, enough.
Lord, plant me here,
For I’d rather hold the door
For others much more,
Than hold all the treasures
Of the world and its pleasures.
For You can’t be measured!
Lord, plant me here.
For a day in your courts is better
than a thousand elsewhere.
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
than dwell in the tents of wickedness.
For the Lord God is a sun and shield;
the Lord bestows favor and honor.
No good thing does he withhold
from those who walk uprightly.
O Lord of hosts,
blessed is the one who trusts in you! (Psalm 84:1-12).
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