Here in the waiting

Here in the waiting
While I chafe to get going
Here in the waiting
Hot tears are still flowing.
Here in the waiting
There’s work to be done.
Here in the waiting
The true value’s won.
Here in the waiting,
We give out cool water
Here in the waiting,
To each son or daughter.
Here in the waiting,
The pressure keeps mounting
Here in the waiting,
Pruned branches we’re counting.
Here in the waiting
We learn your love of rest
Here in the waiting
We find your way best.
Here in the waiting
We thought you’d gone deaf
Here in the waiting
Sudden ford icy depth
Then here on the banks
We look back amazed
Finding hand over hand,
Stones drawn from Jordan.
Here on the banks,
Stones from the deep
Here on the banks
Memories of suffering keep.
Here on the banks,
We see what you did,
Here on the banks,
Raise craggy altar of praise.
Here on the banks
All the waiting is done,
We raise hands in worship
To the All-worthy One.
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